Temperature map

The temperature map (°C) is updated every hour. The data is based on the numerous weather stations in South Tyrol and the surrounding areas.
Using the timeline it is now also possible to view the temperature maps for the past 24 hours.
The Nowcastingsystem INCA is the high-resolution weather analysis and forecasting model of the Austrian Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG). See the ZAMG website for further information and forecasting products.

Satellite Images

The European "Meteosat" meteorological satellite gives the current view from an altitude of 36,000 km. Meteosat shows cloud images in the visible and infrared ranges with images automatically updated every 15 minutes.
Visible range: This is approximately what would be visible to the human eye from above the earth, and the satellite images on the visible channel are therefore available only during the day.
Infrared range: This uses the thermal radiation of the earth and clouds to show cloud developments at night-time as well. Cold, high clouds thus appear bright while warm, lower clouds or warm surfaces appear dark.

Weather Radar

Where is it raining?
The weather radar is used for gathering surface information on precipitation (rain, snow, hail) in South Tyrol and its surrounding areas.
The images are updated every five minutes: the colours relate to the intensity of precipitation.

Lightning map

Map with lightning discharges (ground and cloud lightning) for the past 3 hours.
+ (red) ground lightning (discharges between clouds and earth)
+ (green) cloud lightning (discharges within thunderclouds)

Today Tomorrow 25.04. 26.04.
Wetter Entwicklung 25.04. Wetter Entwicklung 26.04.
Min:   5° Min:   5° Min:   -2° Min:   0°
Max:   14° Max:   17° Max:   17° Max:   19°
Today Tomorrow 25.04. 26.04.
Wetter Entwicklung 25.04. Wetter Entwicklung 26.04.
Min:   6° Min:   4° Min:   -2° Min:   0°
Max:   14° Max:   15° Max:   17° Max:   19°
Today Tomorrow 25.04. 26.04.
Wetter Entwicklung 25.04. Wetter Entwicklung 26.04.
Min:   2° Min:   1° Min:   -2° Min:   0°
Max:   10° Max:   11° Max:   17° Max:   19°
Today Tomorrow 25.04. 26.04.
Wetter Entwicklung 25.04. Wetter Entwicklung 26.04.
Min:   3° Min:   2° Min:   -2° Min:   0°
Max:   11° Max:   12° Max:   17° Max:   19°
Today Tomorrow 25.04. 26.04.
Wetter Entwicklung 25.04. Wetter Entwicklung 26.04.
Min:   1° Min:   0° Min:   -2° Min:   0°
Max:   6° Max:   7° Max:   17° Max:   19°
Today Tomorrow 25.04. 26.04.
Wetter Entwicklung 25.04. Wetter Entwicklung 26.04.
Min:   1° Min:   1° Min:   -2° Min:   0°
Max:   9° Max:   10° Max:   17° Max:   19°